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Kayfa Nasun Shababana min Afat al-Mukhaddirat


Dr. Zahrah ’Atifah Zakariya
96 p., size 17×24 cm., paper cover, 2 colors inside
Drugs represent a real danger which threatens the
human’s present and future. Fighting against drugs
requires the socity to exert as much

efforts as possible. In
this book, the author reviews

the causes of deviation, the
 spread of drugs and how to

eliminate them. She concludes
that the moral commitment

springing from a religious
 sense and a fiducial view is the

most successful means for
protecting the individual and the society.

                   Weight: 165g

Price : 94.50S.P         
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Holy Qur’an

Mushaf Muallim al-Tajwid

Qur’an Interpreted

Mushaf al-Qira’at

Qur’an Transleted

Cases for Qur’anic Copy

