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    Abu Sa’id al-Khudri Wa-Marwiyatuh al-Tarikhiyah

    Abdullah Nasir al-Hayyani 288 p. (15×22) cm. cellophane binding Abu Sa’id al-Khudri is the dignified Companion who stuck to the Prophet ...

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    Asma’ Bint ’Umays, Zawjat al-’Uzama’

    Rufaydah al-Habash 126 p., size 14×20, paper cover This book summarizes the biography of Lady Asma’ Bint ’Umays (Abpwh), whose biography is worthy ...

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    Rijal Hawla al-Rasul

    Khalid Muhmmad Khalid 510 p., size 17×24, hard cover, 2 colors inside, white paper This book includes the biographies of great men of ...

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    Shuhada’ Shhibu al-Rasul (s)

    Hilmi al-Khuli 210 p., size 14×20, 2 colors inside, cellophane binding "Men who were truthful in that which they covenanted ...

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