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    Al-Awdah fi-Qawa’id al-Lughah al-’Arabiyah

    Nahwan wa-I’raban Prof. Husayn al-Tawil 788 p. size 17×24, hard cover, cellophane 2 colors inside Allah, the Great and the Almighty, singled out Arabic...

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    Sharh Ibn Aqil 1/2 ’alá Alfiyat Ibn Malik bi-Uslub Madrasi Jadid

    by: Baha’ al-Din Ibn ’Aqil prep. and rev.: Sh. Husayn al-Tawil Teacher of Arabic in Syrian Secondary Schools 1340 p., 2 colors in 2 volumes, size...

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    Al-Sarf wa-al-Imla’ bi-Uslub Madrasi Jadid

    Prof. Husayn al-Tawil 224 p., 2 colors inside, size 17×24, paper cover Many students worry about both morphology and dictation, ...

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    Holy Qur’an

    Mushaf Muallim al-Tajwid

    Qur’an Interpreted

    Mushaf al-Qira’at

    Qur’an Transleted

    Cases for Qur’anic Copy

